Beachside Knitter

This is the place I keep track of my knitting and sewing projects - and other miscellaneous too.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Millie Mermaid

I just realized that my mermaid pillow didn't make it onto the blog. I started this a few years ago before I moved to Florida. So now I am happy to have it finished. I might use it for a wall hanging in my guest room. Her boobs are seashell buttons.  Posted by Picasa

Yet Another Knitting Bag!

I just can't resist making bags. They are so much fun and I get to use fabrics I love. I love being very organized and I make the bags to fit MY stuff. Here is the inside. I used two smiley face buttons Penny gave me to divide the pocket. At first I had sewed it down the middle but then my Denise needles didn't fit. Now they do and my crochet hook case fits too. I can unbutton it in case I want to put a pattern magazine in it. There is another full/divided pocket on the other side. There is a strap to hold my keys/scissors, and elastic on each end for my water bottle.

I hate it when one of the straps keeps falling off my shoulder, so I put a buttonhole in one strap and a lavender seashell button on the other. Now they'll be buttoned together at the top when on my shoulder. There is a magnetic snap at the top of the bag to keep it closed. Just what I needed, another knitting bag! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 19, 2006


This picture, taken at a nursery, doesn't do it justice. I thought it was a really nice idea. They took a container - like a kettle or barrel bottom -
and placed it on its side. Then planted the flowers to look like it is liquid flowing out of the container. Posted by Picasa

Another Comfort Quilt

Here is the latest Comfort Quilt for my Church. As my stretch in Hague Prison comes to an end, I am just about finished with all the projects I had scheduled. There is a new blouse that needs a little "re-design", and a Lantern Bag ready to be sewn. I hope to start on them today. I'll be packing up this week so we can start driving to Florida on 8/26. One BIG suitcase will be dropped off at the hotel on our way out of NY. It will contain more knitting and sewing projects which I expect to complete while I spend 2 months in the hotel till my husband is finished with his business project. We'll only be in Florida for about a week to check the house, unpack, repack, get haircuts, dog to groomer, etc. and then fly back to NY. Of course I will be at the Wednesday KNITTING GROUP - wouldn't miss it! After that I'll be eager to get back to my beloved Florida! Posted by Picasa

French Lilac

Well, I finished this for my daughter but hope it doesn't look too "homemade". I used Lion Brand Microspun. I always said I was a Yarn Snob - so maybe I should stick with what was called for = DALEGARN Svale. I expect it to look better when she is wearing it. Posted by Picasa

Booties to China

My dear friend Penny asked for booties for her daughter to bring to the orphanage in China when she goes there to pick up her baby. So here are ten pairs to add to the many many more Penny has made and collected. Each pair was made with love and prayers for the child who will wear them. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

New Obsession!

I've been holed up in my sewing room hand sewing my new creations. Er, I guess I got a little carried away making pincushions. They are so fun to do and I love looking at them so I plan to just hang them all around my new sewing room in Florida. I keep coming up with new ways to make them and lots of new color/fabric combinations. Help! I gave the first one (see previous post) to my beloved sister who deserves it. Posted by Picasa