I made sock bags for my knitting group buddies. The one for Penny is missing though. It was done in pretty shell prints in lt. blue and pink. The crocheted one will be frogged. It is Schaefer Laurel in "Judy Garland" I love the yarn but hate the bag, so I think it will become a baby sweater instead - it is very soft. The blue/green one on the right is the one I keep in the car with a small project. It is amazing how much I get done while my husband drives us around on errands. Time that would have just been wasted!

I don't think I posted it here, but I have a previous picture of the yarn closet in the messy stage. Now it is all tidied up. I store my different yarns in clear project bags. When I lined them up on the shelves it was very scary to see how much I have. But, now that it is all in the bins, it doesn't look like much at all. Of course, I still didn't have the right yarn for the lace shawl knit-along I'm starting on Friday so I had to buy more. I also want to knit some "duck feet" bootees which I'll have to shop for also.

Penny gave me a whole bag of this bumpilly yellow yarn. It made a nice stole for here in Florida. I wear them all the time in stores and restaurants. This yarn is cotton and just right. I need to do a little finishing, like weaving in ends and I might gather up each ofthe ends into some kind of knot or tassel. We'll see. Ta Ta...