Beachside Knitter
This is the place I keep track of my knitting and sewing projects - and other miscellaneous too.
Friday, May 01, 2009
One of our Misery Knits buddies lives in Saskatchewan where it is very cold for very long. I thought she needed some tropical breezes from here in sunny Florida so I made this little bag for her. Now I wish I had some more of this fabric for myself. It is so cute with Tropical snow/sand people.
Starshine & Moonbeams
This knitting tote went to one of my Misery Knits buddies. Gail sends us all 'moonbeam' soothing words each night and morning. She is a child advocate so I lined the bag with a white background print with redwork 'children' playing. So I told her that all her little children are safely tucked inside.
I've made other bags for my buddies but forgot to take pictures
I've made other bags for my buddies but forgot to take pictures
A Duffel for Stacy
I made this one for my son's girlfriend Stacy. I quilted all the fabric myself because I couldn't find any prequilted in this pretty lilac print. I told her that it isn't a Vera Bradley, but it's better because it was made with my love
A Dear Daughter Duffel for my Jill
Jill picked out the fabrics she wanted and I loved adding a little surprise - I always add a rigid insert to keep the bottom of the bag stable. I had these preprinted 'Dear Daughter' quilt blocks but Jill will probably never want a quilt??? dunno , but anyway it was the opportunity I was looking for to give them to her.
I especially like the one that says 'Blessed is the Daughter who gives without remembering and who takes without forgetting'
I especially like the one that says 'Blessed is the Daughter who gives without remembering and who takes without forgetting'
Lola's Picture
OK I think I figured it out, but I'll just put this pic in as a separate post because I'm still having a little trouble
Baby Clara Dress
This was sent to baby Ava. It took me a couple of times to figure out just what the designer meant, but after abandoning one yarn and trying again, I finally got it. Now I understand it perfectly and would love to see it in Pink. I used baby blue Panda Soy sock yarn for this. It has a little elastic in it which may help baby to wear it a little longer since it is a little stretchy.
Monday, April 27, 2009
La La La La Lola!
Last week, all my knitting projects were turning to crap. No matter what project I picked up, it ran into a problem. Sooo, I set everything aside and made up this little cutie. It was fun, and it went fast. Last summer I bought a teensy tiny little sweater knitted on toothpicks! It is the perfect knitting project for Lola. Awww, ain't she cute?
Sunday, February 01, 2009
I used a novelty "flag" yarn as a carry along on some of the rows to dress it up. I couldn't find buttons that pleased me so I crocheted around plastic rings with embroidery floss and then embellished it with a pearl center.
I actually made this for my "Granny Hope Chest". Maybe some day I'll get a grandchild.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
New Accomplishments
I found this cosmetic bag for $10 and it is working out splendidly!
I have three sets of Denise needles, and one set of Harmony's plus some extras and fixed circs. I also have one set of Boye Needlemaster which I really don't like but use in a pinch. I made a very nice case for it years ago and I think I'll just leave them as is. Click on the Pictures for a closer view.
There is a zipper compartment on the outside of the bag where I put my zippered case set of crochet hooks plus a sizeable pouch of miscellaneous hooks. I'm thinking I might also make a panel to hold all those hooks so they are not "bunched up" in there and making it easier to find a specific size. I am thilled that this case is working out so well, it holds everything with room to spare - and only $10! I'm glad I didn't have to go through all the trouble of making the case too. Hmmm, there may be other cases in my future - like for embroidery and also to take to quilting classes....
The shawl is huge. I eliminated about 10 rows of the garter stitch section. Then I eliminated about 30 rows of the feather and fan because it was just getting too big and I was almost to 400 sts per row.
Here's the problem: At a certain point on the garter st section, it says to start the "tails", which means that instead of increasing one st each side every other row, you would now increase on EVERY row. Well, first of all the tails are not necessary and would probably get in the way when wearing unless you wrap it around your body and tie in the back - which, to be fair, is the reason for them in the pattern.
However, it was adding way too much unnecessary knitting time, using up too much yarn and just getting too big. I have a person in mind I might make another one of these shawls for, but next time (using the same yarn) I will not make the tails, I will not make the garter section as large and will start the feather and fan sooner and make it wider. I took a picture of the front but I don't see it here. ???? I'll add it up top if it doesn't reappear.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
So Pretty!
Shhhh, she doesn't know it is coming. Just mailed it today.