Here are three quilts I finally finished and put into the commercial washer & dryer today. That makes them fuzz up more. (oops, there sure was a lot of lint in the machine!) I cut out the flannel about 3 or 4 years ago and never got to putting them together. Well, that's what Hague Prison for Women Crafters is for! I get a lot of UFO's done here. The one in the middle is the back side. I'm glad I made 3 at one time because I doubt I'd feel like doing two more. They were a lot of work even though I didn't have to be careful about any of it.

One is for my son's children (to be someday) and one is for my daughter's children (to be some day) In other words, they will go into my Granny Hope Chest. The third one can be a nice gift and I think I know for who...
these look great--so pastel and babish. Very nice!
Very Cute !!!
hey... How long is your Stay there in Hague Prison...LOL LOL
You must have been a Bad Girl...LOL
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